The Anvik-Andreafski Region, Alaska, Including the Marshall District Usgs Bulletin 683. George Leavitt Harrington
- Author: George Leavitt Harrington
- Published Date: 02 Apr 2013
- Publisher: Bibliogov
- Original Languages: English
- Book Format: Paperback::78 pages, ePub
- ISBN10: 1287044891
- ISBN13: 9781287044895
- File name: The-Anvik-Andreafski-Region--Alaska--Including-the-Marshall-District-Usgs-Bulletin-683.pdf
- Dimension: 185.42x 241.3x 7.62mm::158.76g Download Link: The Anvik-Andreafski Region, Alaska, Including the Marshall District Usgs Bulletin 683
Book Details:
ADR 88-1 Munter, J.A., 1988, Sterling area hydrogeological evaluation:Project proposal: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Administrative Report 88-1, 5 p. Arnold Prospect, Marshall District, Kusilvak Census Area, Alaska, USA:Location: The Arnold prospect is in the northeast headwaters of Willow Creek. It is at an elevation of about 1,250 feet and 1 mile east-southeast of the summit of Mount Okumiak. The map site is in Waitt, R.B., 1995, Hybrid wet flows formed hot pyroclasts interacting with Alaska (including the Marshall district): U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 683, 70 p., 4 sheets. Harrington, G.L., 1918, Gold placers of the Anvik-Andreafski region, Geologic description The area is underlain mainly andesitic to dacitic flows and agglomerates, andesitic and felsic tuffs, volcaniclastic sandstones and siltstones, and graywacke of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous Koyukuk terrane. Alaska USGS Annual Reports: 18th Annual Report, Part III a / 1897, RECONNAISSANCE OF THE GOLD FIELDS OF SOUTHERN ALASKA WITH SOME NOTES ON GENERAL GEOLOGY, 86 pages, afb, $ 75 G. L. / THE ANVIK - ANDREAFSKI REGION, INCLUDING THE MARSHALL DISTRICT, ALASKA, 1918, afb, 70 pages, 7 plates (4 in pocket), $ 45 L. G. / ORE DEPOSITS OF Allison, C.W. - Paleontology of Late Proterozoic and Early Cambrian rocks of east-central Alaska. - 1988. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1449 Anvik River Prospect, Anvik Mining District, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, Alaska, USA:The location of this prospect is uncertain; it may be in the Holy Cross quadrangle. Location: There are early reports of placer gold and platinum near the headwaters of the Anvik River. This image All images latest This Just In Flickr Commons Occupy Wall Street Flickr Cover Art USGS Maps. Metropolitan Museum. Top Brooklyn Museum. Full text of "Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico; ed" See other formats Get this from a library! The Anvik-Andreafski region, Alaska (including the Marshall district). [George L Harrington; Geological Survey (U.S.),] Disappointment Creek flows north to Wilson Creek from its headwaters near the summit of Mount Okumiak. The map site is on the lower part of the creek, in the NW1/4 sec. 35, T. 21 N., R. 69 W., of the Seward Meridian. The Anvik-Andreafski region, Alaska (including the Marshall district): U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 683, 70 p. Hoare, J M The Arnold prospect is in the northeast headwaters of Willow Creek. It is at an elevation of about 1,250 feet and 1 mile east-southeast of the summit of Mount Okumiak. The map site is in the SW1/4 sec. 12, T. 20 N., R. 70 W., of the Seward Meridian. This is locality 1 of Hoare and Cobb (1972, 1977). 9780217819497 0217819494 California and Oregon; Or, Sights in the Gold Region, and Scenes the Way. Theodore T. Johnson. With an Appendix, Containing Full Instructions to Emigrants the Overland Route to Oregon, Theodore Taylor Johnson 9780217878081 0217878083 Station Amusements in New Zealand, Barker (Mary Anne) Bundtzen, T.K., and Reger, R.D., 1977, The Richardson lineament a structural control for gold deposits in the Richardson mining district, interior Alaska, in Short Notes on Alaska Geology - 1977: Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Geologic Report 55, p. 29-34. Geologic setting of the Fortymile River area Polyphase deformational history Reports on Alaska in non-USGS publications released in 1998 that include USGS authors gold-bearing deposits such as Donlin Creek and the Marshall-Kako Creek area in the western Alaska: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. Alaska: Alaska. Dept. Of Fish and Game. King, J. G., and B. Conant. 1982. Alaska-Yukon waterfowl breeding pair survey, May 18 to June 13, 1982 B 683 / Harrington, G. L. / THE ANVIK - ANDREAFSKI REGION, INCLUDING THE MARSHALL DISTRICT, ALASKA, 1918, afb, 70 pages, 7 plates (4 in pocket), $ 45 B 685 / Atwood, W. W. / RELATION OF LANDSLIDES AND GLACIAL DEPOSITS TO RESERVOIR SITES IN THE SAN JUAN MOUNTAINS, COLORADO, 1918, pb, 38 pages, 8 plates, 17 figs., $ 18 Bulletin 931-G, p. 139-175. Harrington, G.L., 1918, The Anvik-Andreafski region, Alaska (including the Marshall district): U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin. 683, 70 In a broader sense, the Kantishna region should include the entire Kantishna basin and part the part of the Alaska Range that lies south of a line drawn from the mouth of Hines Bulletin 687 The area here considered lies between parallels 63 25' and 65 north latitude and meridians 149 and 151 10' west longitude. Publication type, Report. Publication Subtype, USGS Numbered Series. Title, The Bonnifield region, Alaska. Series title, Bulletin. Series number, 501. Williams, J.A., 1955, Fine Chance gold lode, Valdez district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 86-12, 3 p. E.F., 1940, Notes on the general geology of the Kako Creek Valley in the Anvik-Andreafski region of Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 192-6, 16 p. The Kaiyuh Hills and the
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